Welcome to Super Liga Football

Super Liga Football is a grassroots football league for Women and Non-Binary Teams.

We currently run combined 5 and 7-a-side leagues on Sunday’s from 11am, with teams playing 2 games of 30-45 minutes each Sunday. League duration is 14 weeks. Teams play 2 weeks followed by a week’s break. Our venues are in the heart of Central London. Super Liga welcomes all players of any ability over the age of 18 years of age. 

All teams approach the league with professionalism and respect. As a league, we create a fun, safe and inclusive environment for all teams and players. All referees are qualified with the Football Association.



League Standings

Super Liga is affiliated with the FA. We use Full-Time to administer the league. Teams can see Fixtures, Results, Top Goal Scorers in advance and therefore able to check availability weeks in advance.